Monday, May 23, 2011

Bed Rest Buster: Headband Headquarters

Well guys, it appears that my little lady is determined to make an early entrance, at least earlier than planned. A few weeks ago when I was about 33 weeks I started to go into pre-term labor and the doctor has been trying to hold the baby off from coming ever since. So yep, as you might have guessed given the title of this post, I've been put on bed rest.


Oh the dreaded phrase Bed Rest!! It is certainly not the worst thing in the world, and I am obviously happy to do whatever it takes to keep our little girl safe and healthy. But unfortunately it has arrived at the exact time that my nesting instinct has kicked into high gear. It's all I can do to keep myself firmly planted on the couch when these urgent messages keep popping into my head, "You don't have any pacifiers! You need to sterilize the breast pump! You need to borrow someone's Boppy Pillow!" and on and on it goes.

So what does a typically multi-tasking girl do in those non-napping hours of bed rest-ing, to try to keep her hands busy and mind occupied enough to stop making list after list of things to do?

Yes. Make baby headbands. Lots and lots of headbands.

Headbands 4

I have been bookmarking various tutorials that I come across for fabric flowers, knowing that little headbands and hair clips would be in our little girl's future. It turns out that if you must camp out on the couch for hours at a time, this is a great project. Particularly if paired with some sort of all-day marathon of a good brain candy tv show.

You simply need a little headband station with a variety of supplies. Prepare for your husband to make comments like, "It looks like a sweatshop over here!" And prepare to ignore him. Or just ask him for more snacks or ice water.

Mayweek1 8

At your station you'll need sharp scissors, various types of fabric, lace, felt, needle & thread or glue gun, elastic, piece of paper to use as a template, and something round to trace for a template.

I'm not actually sharing a tutorial today, just a collection of tutorials that I've come across and the fruits of my labor. These ladies have already spelled everything out perfectly and you don't want to try to make sense of my crazy pregnant ramblings!!

Headbands 11

First up is this lovely fabric flower, tutorial from Simply Vintage Girl here. Love it. Newborn baby photo prop? Definitely.

Headbands 10

Headbands 5

I made these headbands with a similar technique as the example shown above. I just cut the fabric into circles, burned the edges, and glued them together. Easy and elegant!!

Headbands 6

Next I made this felt dahlia flower from KoJo Designs here. I will probably be switching out the pearl on this for a string of beads once I can get to the store to get beads, but I just love the bright red and white! It makes me think of Christmas, Valentines Day or 4th of July. She'll be ready no matter what!

Headbands 7

Headbands 2

Next up were these no sew flowers from Ruffles and Stuff here. I simply went through my fabric stash and started cutting different fabrics into circles. I tried to mix it up a little by using different colored stretchy bands, and adding a bit of lace as well. These were easy and several have already been used for other baby clothes projects, so I know they'll match perfectly!

Headbands 1

Headbands 3

I found this lace flower at Aly & Ash Creations here. I was so excited that I actually had the exact lace and brads that she used in her example. Love it. This one will be a hair clip. That is, once I get some hair clips it will be. :)

Headbands 1

Headbands 9

There are lots of tutorials for rolled fabric flowers, and I found mine at Hello Friend here. Whether these will be a big cluster on a headband or made into little clips is still to be determined. But they are the same color scheme as in her room, so I couldn't resist keeping them together for a picture! :)

Headbands 8

I also made up a few other bows that I left un-attached for now. Will they be hair clips, headbands, attached to onesies or some other clothing item? Only time will tell.

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Headbands 15

Headbands 16

I will also be trying out Patrice's Quick and Easy Hair Ribbon tutorial as soon as I can get my hands on some ribbon! I'm still stocking up on my "girly" supplies around here! :)

Well, that's it for now!! It was fun to have one thing I could scratch off of my "to do before baby arrives" list. And my husband is happy to have back the section of the couch that was dedicated to my supplies. :)

Okay, now you have to tell me, have I missed any essential baby hair thing-ys tutorials? If so, please link up in the comments.

And have any of you been on bed rest yourselves?! How did you pass the time without going crazy?! Aside from sleeping, which I promise I do! I'm looking forward to hearing your suggestions!!

Have a great week, and I'll see you next Monday!!

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Me, still May 23, 2011 at 6:13 AM  

Sorry about the bedrest!!
On the bright side, you got quite a few accessories finished for the little darling!
I was looking through your pics, and the two satiny roses on the next to last picture would be great shoe or sock embelishments. You could match hair and feet! :D
Good luck on the wait, and I pray everything goes well for both of you.

Jessica May 23, 2011 at 6:59 AM  

So adorable Erin! I guess that's the bright side of the situation?! :)

Patrice May 23, 2011 at 8:50 AM  

These are great! I love them all, but especially the gorgeous lace ones! Well done!

Tanna May 23, 2011 at 9:36 AM  

Ugh, I hope you feel okay and that your lady will arrive safe. I have a boppy. Comes from a smoke free/pets outside home. Been thru two babies, but if you want to pay shipping, I will gladly send it to you. I'm in ID.

Dawn May 23, 2011 at 10:01 AM  

Oh my, she's going to be one stylish baby!! :)

Tiffany May 23, 2011 at 10:15 AM  

Those are all absolutely beautiful! How fun! I need to make some more for Mia like these. Too cute. Can't wait to see pics of her in them! : )

Jess May 23, 2011 at 12:03 PM  

Boo to bed rest. I was laid up for a while after a sugery... If you know how to crochet you could make your little lady a blanket. Or teach yourself how to crochet. I have also seen many wreaths ( ) that your flowers would look amazing on!

Good luck passing the time.

Ally Simons May 23, 2011 at 12:34 PM  

Goodness Erin, sorry to hear about the bed rest. Whatever it takes to keep your little girl safe and healthy, though. Those headbands are so precious! Love em!

Sending prayers for no more complications!
Xo Ally @ TinyWalletStyle

The Lovelys May 23, 2011 at 1:17 PM  

Wow! You are kicking bed rest's ass!
Nice work.

Kelli May 23, 2011 at 2:38 PM  

I'm so sorry your on bed rest, I know that is not a bit of fun, however you seem to be getting a lot of craft time, Yeah!!! These are great! Thanks for sharing! I found your blog through craft o manic and I'm one of your newest followers. I'd love if you'd follow back!

Kelli @

Melissa May 23, 2011 at 3:25 PM  

Prayers to you and your little one, stay strong! I was on bedrest starting at weeks 24 and 27, respectively, with each of my first two, so I can feel your pain/stress!

My bedrest was prior to my crafty knowledge, so with #1 I taught myself to sew (I was able to sit up for about an hour a day and took advantage!) with #2 I then made all of her baby bedding and sewed a quilt and bedroom decor for my son's new room!

I also watched LOTS of movies (Redbox was my friend, or my husbands as he picked them up after I ordered them online!) and with #3 last year I wanted to take it easy to avoid bedrest, so I made myself sit an hour every day and made it through the whole run of Gilmore Girls, HA!

Best of luck, Melissa

CAM May 23, 2011 at 4:36 PM  

I found this tutorial on making flowers and thought it was cute and easy

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise May 23, 2011 at 5:40 PM  

You have been busy. They are SO cute!!!

Just Another Day in Paradise

Hannah May 23, 2011 at 7:28 PM  

try looking on Sidelines (google it), it is a support site for people with pregnancy complications. They were very helpful during my 16 weeks of complete and 11 weeks of partial bedrest.

Anonymous May 23, 2011 at 7:46 PM  

Aw, sorry about the bedrest! I DID NOT survive mine without going just about crazy, so sorry, I don't have any great advice for you! But, I had my two year old to keep me company, and we caught up on tons and tons of cartoons and eating cereal out of the box, so those are definitely precious moments for me. I say have all your friends bring you all extra decorating/crafting magazines and just have some relaxing reading!

Jennifer Cleaver May 23, 2011 at 8:44 PM  

Your headbands are all beautiful. I also have a little girl on the way--about 7 weeks left. Hooray. But I was wondering what you used as the actual headband. I am wanting to make some of my own, but am unsure about what to use. Thanks for your help and pictures!

Lindsay @ Makely May 23, 2011 at 9:09 PM  

Those are absolutely gorgeous!!

Good luck on your bedrest. I know that must be hard, but it will be so worth it when you are holding that sweet girl in a few weeks!

Jana May 23, 2011 at 9:11 PM  

I'm impressed that you are still keeping busy on bed rest! Although I guess there isn't much else to do when you are stuck in bed!! Love it!

jamie w May 23, 2011 at 10:50 PM  

I hope your little lady stays put a while longer. Thank you for sharing all of the flowers. I want to learn to make these myself. I wish I would have started putting them on my daughter right away because she takes everything out of her hair besides a hair tie right now.

LrSchwtz May 24, 2011 at 1:11 AM  

Sorry to hear you're on bed rest, but great job on these, they turned out so beautiful. Please stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

Fabric Bows and More May 26, 2011 at 12:29 AM  

Beautiful work if you ever do any step by step tutorials please send me a link to I can add it to my blog! Come to join our link party:

Fabric Bows and More May 26, 2011 at 12:29 AM  

Beautiful work if you ever do any step by step tutorials please send me a link to I can add it to my blog! Come to join our link party:

Anonymous May 27, 2011 at 1:11 AM  

You're doing great. I read a lot when having to "rest." The head bands are adorable. Believe me you'll want to have more than enough. Between those that she may not like, and the ones you leave in the cart or on the floor in the store that you didn't see her throw; you'll go through lots of them! At least in my experience of four little girls.

Anonymous May 27, 2011 at 1:11 AM  

You're doing great. I read a lot when having to "rest." The head bands are adorable. Believe me you'll want to have more than enough. Between those that she may not like, and the ones you leave in the cart or on the floor in the store that you didn't see her throw; you'll go through lots of them! At least in my experience of four little girls.

Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things} May 28, 2011 at 7:57 AM  

Erin, I'm sorry to hear you have to be on bed rest.. But it seems you're using the time well. I love the headbands! :)
Thank you so much for linking up to {nifty thrifty sunday}!
I hope to see you again tomorrow!

ABily May 28, 2011 at 4:26 PM  


Pink June 1, 2011 at 10:00 PM  

I was on nearest with both my girls. I do understand !!((((((hugs)))))) sleep when you can, even though your not tired, it's good for you. Craft in one spot & lots of reading. It will be over before you know it & that sweet baby girl will be in your arms. lol then you will REAlly be tired and busy. So good to get the sleep & crafts done now !! Enjoy

Anonymous June 20, 2011 at 5:58 AM  

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