Friday, August 27, 2010

The Croc Clock

These boots are made many things I say.

I was wondering aimlessly in the thrift stores, as I often do when I found these cute boys Crocs for $3.00. I grabbed them and figured I could do something with them or give them to someone.

Well, they ended up lying around my house collecting dust as most things do until now. My $3.00 became a very handy boot. The clock-boot, the vase-boot, the clock-vase-boot...I think I'm kin to Dr. Seuss with the crazy words I'm making up. Anyway, bear with me on this craft adventure.

All you need is a rain boot, a clock movement kit, some spray paint and some fresh flowers.

First, spray paint the boot to the color of your liking. I used the Krylon spray paint. I'm lovin' the's so vibrant.

Next, use an exact-o knife to cut a hole in the boot wherever you would like to put your clock. I will be using my boot for a flower vase so the clock will be inserted close to the top so I can add water later!

Put the clock together as the package instructs you to do so. Push it through the hole that you created and add the minute, hour, and second hand. Lastly, add the battery and set the time.

If you are concerned about adding the water to the boot you could consider using an insulator inside the boot (i.e. plastic baggie to hold the water, slim glass container to place the flowers inside and then inside the boot as well.) I live on the edge a little and will try this out for a while so I encourage you to do whatever is comfortable for you. I'm curious to see just how long the battery and the moisture will last.

I placed my boot vase/clock next to my vintage foot measurer I already had, I thought why not. FYI..size 13 little boys shoe. hehe..

This is also a great piece mostly likely going in my classroom, something for a mudroom, a dinner center piece, or if you choose not to use it with the clock and just use it for a vase, it looks great in landscaping, sitting on the patio or in a window seal. Moose loves looking at it!

Hope you enjoy this silly conglomeration of randomness. Thanks for stopping by. I'd love to see what you'd come up with. Link it up to Flickr.

Linking up to these parties as well! Have a great weekend.


TBonesMom August 27, 2010 at 8:14 AM  

Random=Awesome. Such a clever idea! Nicely done...

Anonymous August 27, 2010 at 8:27 AM  

So cute, can't wait to try this.

Anonymous August 27, 2010 at 9:19 AM  

I think I have some boots I can't wear anymore. I just might give this a shot. Possbily without the clock. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous August 27, 2010 at 10:41 AM  

what a clever idea! never would have thought to repurpose that way!

staci @ lizard n ladybug August 27, 2010 at 10:54 AM  

this is a great idea! My little one is out-growing her latest pair of crocs..guess I know what I'll be doing with them next! :)

Patrice August 27, 2010 at 12:44 PM  

Love it! Lola needs one for sure! You are so creative, love it!

Unknown August 27, 2010 at 6:15 PM  

This is such a cute idea! Who would have thought! You I guess lol

Be Colorful Coastal August 28, 2010 at 5:23 PM  

Okay this is something I have never seen before. You clever girl. I love anything that is out of the box like this.
I would be so flattered if you would share this on my first Linky party at BeColorful.

Be Colorful Coastal August 30, 2010 at 11:22 PM  

Thank you for submitting this post on my motivated monday linky party at Becolorful. This is just so cute and unusual that I wanted my readers to see it.
Thanks again,

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