Friday, December 31, 2010

My Top-Picks!

When I was asked to be a part of this blog, I thought "Oh how fun, this should be neat." I had no idea these ladies were going to be so much fun!! I get excited every morning to log-on and see what they have posted.

Here is a look back at some of my favorite picks from some of my favorite girls!

Erin on Mondays:

Mondays, what a way to start off the week! Erin has definitely led the weeks off with some amazing projects. One of my favorites; simple, yet stylish: The Pearl Adorned Paper Blossom

Tiffany on Tuesdays:

I adore Tiffany's style. Anyone that can run a sewing machine..well, practically steals my heart. I fell in love with her Photo Placemats. I tried them out my style (hot glue) let's just say...there is no match.

Patrice on Thursdays:

This girl amazes me. I have the privilege to craft and work with her on a daily basis. One of my many favorites is the Stenciled Accent Wall. Her living room completed a huge transformation in less than a few hours. Shew, completely jealous!

Amy on Fridays:

I was so excited to see all of the cute parties Amy was throwing. However, I was even more thrilled to see this Book Page Necklace one Friday in June. Man that girl is that jack of all trades. I love that looks so cute on her!

Just a reminder to check out some of our old post that are still so fabulous! Have a safe and Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Year-end Favorites!

I have to say, I work with some awesome crafters! I am continually intrigued by their creativity. I regularly find myself taking a sneak peak at their posts before they are set to publish. I just can't help myself, I get so excited to see what they are up to. That being said, I'd like to review a few of my favorite posts of the year from some of my favorite ladies.

Erin, from Mondays:
I have to say that Erin is the glue that holds us all together. Without her, there would be no LTC! She continually amazes me with her creative ideas. My favorite post of hers this year has to be the Express Necklace Knockoff. I always knew she could rock home decor, but this necklace took her crafting to a whole new level, don't you think?
Tiffany, from Tuesdays:
Before I even began working with Tiffany I totally stalked her blog, Happy Day. She can pull off Pottery Barn style better than any crafter I know. Her simple, yet ingenious ideas look as if they jumped right off the pages of a magazine. Her posts tend to embody my idea of what "effortless style" is. I would say my favorite project of hers this year is the Reformed Nook.
Amy, from Fridays:
Talk about a girl who can throw a party! What would it be like to be one of her kids? I would be looking forward to my next birthday party 365 days of the year!! I think her favorite party of hers was the Flower Birthday Party.
Jessica, from Fridays:
Of all of the contributers of LTC, I can say without a doubt that Jessica thinks outside of the box more than anyone. She will take the most common, everyday objects and turn them into something totally fabulous in an instant. Her entire house is a tribute to this talent, trust me! I think my favorite post of hers is the Mason Jar Band Wreath.
I hope you enjoyed looking back over some of the years best projects! Maybe you will feel inspired to take a look back over some of these girls other great posts from this year.

ON A SIDE NOTE: We still have not been able to contact the winner of the Cutting Edge Stencil for December! CRYSTAL, Please comment or email me with you home address and favorite stencil! Otherwise, we will be re-selecting a winner this Saturday, the 1st!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Last Chance for Free 8 x 10 Canvas!!

Hey everyone!

Have you been drooling over the idea of getting a free 8 x 10 wrapped canvas of your favorite photo?! Did you put it off a little bit, or forget?

Don't worry, we won't hold it against you! :)


Actually, I have some good news for you. You can still get your free 8x10 canvas through Canvas People by clicking here, but hurry!! This incredible offer expires on December 31st, so you have to do it this week.

Now I know that plenty of you took advantage of the family getting together for the holidays to get a family picture, right? All of the kids in Christmas pjs, smiling in a snowy landscape or an extended family shot? These are just the types of pictures that you don't want to get lost among your other digital files. Go grab that picture, upload it here, and give it a fun presence in your home.


And if you're debating on upgrading to the 11x14 instead of the 8x10, let me just tell you, go ahead and do it!! Check out the picture above for an example. It made such a big difference, and for only $9.99 more, it was totally worth it.

Okay, okay, enough on this one already. I just wanted to make sure that no one forgot about this incredible deal in the midst of the Christmas season craziness!!

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I just want to thank our readers for following us and supporting this creative outlet for us.  Your encouraging comments mean the world to us.  We love sharing our ideas with you all and it is so exciting to hear when one of you is inspired by our ideas.  What fun it was to look back on old posts from the past year.  Lemon Tree will celebrate its year anniversary in March.  How exciting is that?  

I am a huge fan of these Lemon Tree girls.  They are creative geniuses if you ask me.  That is why it was so hard to come up with a favorite creation from each of them.  But since I had to choose, here are my top picks...

Erin, the brains behind LTC never ceases to amaze me with the creations she comes up with.  She uses supplies I would never even think to use and creates beautiful things that you would never know were handmade.  I chose her Jute Webbing to Fall Planter.  Seriously, how perfect is this planter?  So beautiful and this picture of it should be in a frame... 

Patrice.  Wow.  Honestly, I want to live in her house.  She has created such a gorgeous, cozy and personalized home for her husband and sweet little girl.  I love it.  I chose her Handstitched Mailbox Set. I loved every perfect little detail of this creation.  It was completely personalized for her girl and is just so crazy cute.  Wish my Mom had made me one of these when I was little.  I want to play with it...

Jessica is awesome.  Jessica has got her own style that is so fun and funky.  Love it.  I am always pleasantly surprised on Fridays to see what she comes up with.  My favorite of hers is the Reclaimed T-Shirts.  Seriously adorable.  Each one is perfect and I especially am crazy about the ruffled one.  The possibilities are endless and the numbers she put with it are the perfect touch...

Amy, party planner extraordinaire.  I have been to most of her parties in person and let me tell you that the pictures don't even do them justice.  She thinks of everything.  Amazing.  My favorite one has been the Radio Flyer First Birthday Party for her Will.  What a genius idea for a party theme.  It was all boy, so sweet, and tons of fun.  I mean seriously, his wagon sweater is just the icing on the cake...

Thanks for reading and encouraging our creations!  We love our readers.

Hope you all have a very Happy New Year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Few of My Favorites

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your loved ones!!!
Here is an interesting little fun fact for you about the Lemon Tree Creations ladies; in general we never know what projects the other contributors have been working on until they are posted on the blog. Does that seem strange for a collaborative blog? The reason is that 3 out of the 4 of us live hours away from one another, in 3 different states. So we don't get together for craft nights, project brain storming or anything else like that (though I wish we could!) It is kind of fun this way though, wouldn't you love to have one website that you could check each week and see what sort of projects your friends have been up to? I do! Most days when I get online and see what my co-contributors have been up to I am as blown away as you are!
We thought it might be fun this week to each showcase our favorite projects from our co-contributors!
I just loved Tiffany's Giant Ruler Growth Chart. There are lots of fun growth charts floating around blog land, but leave it to Tiffany to come up with a way to take it out of the kids' rooms and make it classic, clean and beautiful enough to have a permanent presence in her kitchen. I even loved how she printed off tiny pictures of her family members that can be moved around on the chart as well. Tiffany always has fun and cute ideas, and decorates beautifully with the lightest touch.
I was instantly charmed this 4th of July by this wonderful Coke Bottle Bouquet. I love the beautiful simplicity of it: the clear glass catches the light just right, the Coca-Cola logo for a fun way to add red and white, and I love that the flag has flag colors without typical flag patterns. It's patriotic and seasonally appropriate without screaming 4th of July, a rare feat! Patrice always has her projects showcased in beautiful vignettes and tablescapes, and I'm always looking for ways to implement her examples in my own home.
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I was blown away by the details in this School Bus Birthday Party. I mean, little brown bag lunches for the food, using "lunch and recess" time as the beginning and end of the party and "bus stop" for the location. How cute is that? These are just the types of details that I never would have thought of and the extra touches that make something like that so much more fun. I miss seeing her new ideas but will be pouring over all of her parties for inspiration before my own little guy turns 3 this summer.
Well, Jessica, what can I say? She had me at Craft Closet. Actually, she had me a lot earlier, but this one roped me in and I barely got out, just pouring over and over the pictures. Isn't it just one of the prettiest supply displays that you've ever seen? If this closet was in my house I would always want the door to be open because it is equal amounts of decoration and function. Jessica always has fabulous ideas and fun ways to implement them.
I hope you've enjoyed checking out a few of these great ideas!! Did you have any favorites from Lemon Tree this year, we'd love to hear about it!
See you next Monday!
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Incredible Deal on Silhouette Machine for LTC Readers!!

By now, I'm sure that many of you have heard of this incredible tool, the Silhouette!


The Silhouette is a digital cutting tool for personal use. It connects to your computer just like a printer, but instead of printing designs it cuts them with a small blade, (or sketches the design with a small pen). With the machine connected to your computer, you'll get access to all of the fonts on your PC plus the thousands of cuttable designs found on the Silhouette Online Store, and a program to create your own designs.

Pretty amazing, right? The most amazing thing? No cartridges to buy, ever!! Furthermore, there are thousands of designs available to purchase in the online store, which you purchase once and then have in your personal design gallery forever. It's kind of like itunes, but for your cutting machine, and less expensive. It's so great!

This week only, Silhouette has an incredible deal available to Lemon Tree Creations readers.

You can purchase a machine, which originally retails for $300, for only $175 with a commitment to a monthly subscription to the online store. Pretty great, huh?! You simply need to use the promo code LEMON at checkout.

Then you will be able to make incredible items with heat transfer material,




etching cream,




and sketch pens.


Ready for yours? Head on over to the Silhouette website here, and don't forget to use the promo code LEMON.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmastime Stroll

It's the most wonderful time of the year....
Oh, I so agree! The stockings are hung. The tree is decorated. The apple butter is canned. Yes, I canned my own apple butter this year as gifts (recipe to come, so stay tuned!)

Around my house you will find many quirky Christmas decorations as you usually find if you follow me at all on this blog. My quirky style flows through my quirky home.. won't you go for a stroll of my Christmas Home?

If you are driving by my house you will immediately notice my oh so cute wreath inspired by my fellow crafter Patrice!

Walking through, WHAM! My festive living room hits you in the face. I have an abundance of Christmas spirit all in this tiny room!

Remember my old bird cage used way back in April...well, here it is again. I love these Flurries ornaments and I love this one in a cage! Quirky..I know.

In my teeny dining room, you will find my Frosty's Hat as it hold ornaments for visitors welcome to decorate. Behind him is something I hang every two wreaths with just a simple ribbon strung from each corner to place Christmas cards on.

I had to show you Moose's area!

Venturing into my kitchen I keep writing, drawing and erasing (which is the fun of having the chalkboard wall) when I finally came up with "the list". My nieces enjoy using this for an advent calendar which I just erased.

I use my buffet table to keep treats out and lost but not forgotten memories (that are very dear to us). In loving memory of my brother in are truly missed.

More birds! I'm not quite sure what the attraction is with me, birds and cages are, but it seems popular in my home on a normal day and during the holidays.

So as you can see, my decor is rather simple and for a second helping of craftiness "um..yes please I'll have another!" I adore creating and adding to it every year. Enjoy your holidays and I'll see you Friday!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Happy Holiday House

If there is one thing I love, its tradition. For as long as I can remember, every single holiday has brought with it hundreds of small family traditions that make it so special. That being said, you can imagine how important it is to me then to create a cozy, fun atmosphere in which my family and I can celebrate each tradition as it comes. I hope you'll enjoy looking around my happy holiday house!
When you walk through the front door you are immediately greeted by this whimsical wreath. A wreath that has become a signature holiday piece around my house.Peeking through the front window you can see out skinny, yet festive, tree. Living in a pint sized house means making the use of vertical space, not horizontal. I like to think we packed in all the holiday cheer our little living space could hold! You might even get a little peek at this sweetie, who can be regularly seen "rearranging" our ornaments. This little guy means something special to my husband and I, so we little to fill him with seasonal joy whenever we get the chance. Christmastime is the best because we get to fill him with all the free holly we want, found right outside our door!This sweet ribbon tree moves around daily in our space. I can't seem to find just the perfect place. Or maybe I just need to make one for EVERY space and then be satisfied!These 'whimsical topiaries' have added a fun little mix to what is otherwise pretty traditional Christmas decor.
Our dining room is currently my favorite room. Around 4th of July I was inspired to use glass Coke bottles to create a flower centerpiece. Way back in July I couldn't wait to get my hands on them again for Christmas. I kept the table setting light and fun, which is appropriate for this years Christmas brunch. I used Coke bottles, fresh flowers and some fun candy cane striping.We may not have a ton of space to decorate in our small home, but I am enjoying the little things this year. It is just enough to make a smile every time we walk through the door!

I'll be linking to the CSI Project's Holiday Home Tour this week.


I can't wait to see what everyone else has done to make their home perfect for the holidays!