Monday, December 27, 2010

A Few of My Favorites

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your loved ones!!!
Here is an interesting little fun fact for you about the Lemon Tree Creations ladies; in general we never know what projects the other contributors have been working on until they are posted on the blog. Does that seem strange for a collaborative blog? The reason is that 3 out of the 4 of us live hours away from one another, in 3 different states. So we don't get together for craft nights, project brain storming or anything else like that (though I wish we could!) It is kind of fun this way though, wouldn't you love to have one website that you could check each week and see what sort of projects your friends have been up to? I do! Most days when I get online and see what my co-contributors have been up to I am as blown away as you are!
We thought it might be fun this week to each showcase our favorite projects from our co-contributors!
I just loved Tiffany's Giant Ruler Growth Chart. There are lots of fun growth charts floating around blog land, but leave it to Tiffany to come up with a way to take it out of the kids' rooms and make it classic, clean and beautiful enough to have a permanent presence in her kitchen. I even loved how she printed off tiny pictures of her family members that can be moved around on the chart as well. Tiffany always has fun and cute ideas, and decorates beautifully with the lightest touch.
I was instantly charmed this 4th of July by this wonderful Coke Bottle Bouquet. I love the beautiful simplicity of it: the clear glass catches the light just right, the Coca-Cola logo for a fun way to add red and white, and I love that the flag has flag colors without typical flag patterns. It's patriotic and seasonally appropriate without screaming 4th of July, a rare feat! Patrice always has her projects showcased in beautiful vignettes and tablescapes, and I'm always looking for ways to implement her examples in my own home.
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I was blown away by the details in this School Bus Birthday Party. I mean, little brown bag lunches for the food, using "lunch and recess" time as the beginning and end of the party and "bus stop" for the location. How cute is that? These are just the types of details that I never would have thought of and the extra touches that make something like that so much more fun. I miss seeing her new ideas but will be pouring over all of her parties for inspiration before my own little guy turns 3 this summer.
Well, Jessica, what can I say? She had me at Craft Closet. Actually, she had me a lot earlier, but this one roped me in and I barely got out, just pouring over and over the pictures. Isn't it just one of the prettiest supply displays that you've ever seen? If this closet was in my house I would always want the door to be open because it is equal amounts of decoration and function. Jessica always has fabulous ideas and fun ways to implement them.
I hope you've enjoyed checking out a few of these great ideas!! Did you have any favorites from Lemon Tree this year, we'd love to hear about it!
See you next Monday!
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  1. Love all these. The link to the growth chart isn't working. I found it in April and am featuring it today at

  2. Love all these. The link to the growth chart isn't working. I found it in April and am featuring it today at

  3. ah to only have enough craft supplies to display so prettily! Sigh.
    Miller Manor Designs Blog

  4. I like the "shut up and sew" posts. Deep down I know there is a crafty and sewing diva, which keeps me checking your blog each day! Thanks! :D
