Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Evolution of a Dresser Top

Dresser tops around our home are ever changing.  So many possibilities and so much fun.
1.) You saw my girl's room in this post and it showed the dresser topped like this...

2.) This is what happened to the dresser when baby girl was a few weeks old...

3.) And just yesterday, I changed the dresser to look like this...

I just had to use some scrabble tiles.  I am sure the word will be changed frequently but for now "sisters" seemed perfect.  I could change it weekly with the current sight word my daughter is learning at school.  Hmmm...just thinking out loud.

I used a couple of the little birdies from one of my very first Lemon Tree projects you saw here.

My sister gave me this cool mirrored tray awhile back.  I finally got around to painting it white and it now holds my five-year-old's favorite pieces of jewelry and a fresh flower in a tiny vase.

I love it.  But I gotta be honest, my favorite was #2 (the one with the changing pad) because that represents a baby and I love me some babies.

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. aww, that's kind of sad because that means the baby is growing up. But, it looks great. Like the use of scrabble tiles.

  2. Don't be sad...new adventures await! I love the birdies & stand and the mirrored tray...VERY GIRLIE GIRL!
