Monday, June 6, 2011

Perfect New-Baby Meal: Spicy Chicken Soup

Well everyone, I have a fun treat for you all over the next few months!! Our little lady is scheduled to arrive this week, so I have asked several incredible ladies if they would be willing to share some "baby" themed posts with you over the next few months, and luckily they said yes! :) I'll probably be popping in from time to time, (Or is that just my pre-baby optimism speaking?), but you'll definitely want to stop by and see what they're up to!!

I'm so excited to introduce you to today's guest poster! Allow me to introduce Amanda of OED.

Oed trytwo

Amanda is a hilarious and talented mother of 2 boys, ages 4 and 6, whose blog is a daily recording of their life together. She is one of those highly skilled individuals who is a natural storyteller, and you'll find it impossible to not be charmed by the thoughts and antics of her and her sweet boys. Oh yeah, and she was Valedictorian, so maybe it's not a coincidence that she is such an exceptional writer.

IMG 1094

I love reading through the variety of her posts, some concise and poignant, some thoughtful, some funny and often with good dose of sarcasm, which I just love. She writes about parenting with a raw honesty and vulnerability that some parents (especially moms) try to tuck away. I love reading her honest and charming stories, and since her boys are older than my little guy, I get a glimpse at what is ahead. :)

Her posts are peppered with stunning photography as well, so you won't be surprised to discover that she has had several of her photographs featured in galleries in Cincinnati.

Picnik collageoed

And just when you think her talents know no end, you'll be pleased to discover her adorable Etsy shop OED & ME, full of yummy knitted and crocheted items and prints of a variety of her photographs. Check out her shop here.

Thanks for posting with us Amanda!

Hi! I’m Amanda and I’m so excited to be guest posting on LTC! I’ve been following these ladies since the beginning and have been inspired by their crafting ability and creativity. I was honored that Erin asked me to share with you today.

For this baby-related post, Erin asked me to pass along my go-to take-to-a-new-mom meal. For a long time, I struggled trying to find something that I was confident tasted good and was easy to transport. Once I found this soup, I knew it was a winner. It’s easy, economical, and makes a ton, so there’s enough to share and you don’t have to cook again to feed your own family. Oh, and it’s yummy as well!

Spicy Chicken Soup

(Don't be intimidated by the "spicy" part of the title. You can make it as spicy -- or not -- as you like.)

Ingredients, part 1

2 quarts water

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

½ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon garlic powder

2 tablespoons dried parsley

1 tablespoon onion powder

5 cubes chicken bouillon

In a large stockpot, bring all ingredients to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer for an hour. Remove chicken. Reserve broth. Shred chicken. (After this step, you can refrigerate the soup and the shredded chicken until you’re ready to assemble the rest of the soup.)

Now that you have made your own chicken broth (that always makes me feel like an accomplished cook. And it’s done without having to handle a chicken carcass, which, in my opinion, is an added bonus), the rest of the soup is really just a matter of a little chopping and a can opener.

Ingredients, part 2

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, chopped

1 (16 oz) jar chunky salsa (pick mild, medium, or hot depending on how spicy you want the final product to be)

3 (14.5 oz) cans petite diced tomatoes, undrained

1 (10.75 oz) can condensed tomato soup

2 (16 oz) cans chili beans, undrained (again, choose the spice level based on how hot you want your soup to be)

3 tablespoons chili powder

In that same large stockpot, heat the oil over medium heat. Cook the onion and garlic until they are slightly browned. Add the salsa, tomatoes, tomato soup, chili beans, chili powder, shredded chicken, and 5-6 cups of the broth. Simmer for 30 minutes (though it’s fine left on the stove longer.)

Pack up some soup, take along a container of sour cream, some shredded cheese, a bag of tortilla chips, maybe some sliced green onions, and you’ve got a great meal the family can eat that night or save for a while. Sometimes, if I know there are kids that won’t eat soup (though both of my kids will eat this one), I toss in a few tortillas too, and the family has the makings of quesadillas for the kids.

Sometimes I make corn muffins, usually I'll send along some sort of dessert, and I feel like I’ve provided a good and non-fussy meal for a family with a new addition! (Erin, if I lived anywhere near you, I’d bring you a batch!) Enjoy!

You can find more things that I love, including my two boys, at my family blog, oed. I also have a daily photo blog called photoedaily and an Etsy shop, oed&me. Come check them out!


Flannery @ Three Sisterz June 6, 2011 at 6:43 AM  


Amanda June 6, 2011 at 8:31 AM  

Thanks again, Erin and LTC, for having me!!

Erin A June 6, 2011 at 8:47 AM  

Yum yum yum, this looks amazing! Please come over and make some for me. :)



Anonymous June 6, 2011 at 11:28 AM  

yummy! My mouth is watering!

I'm having a GIVEAWAY on my blog if you are interested!

Maryann @ Domestically-Speaking June 6, 2011 at 12:42 PM  

My hubster would LOVE this... adding it to my recipe file... thanks!

Susan June 7, 2011 at 8:29 AM  

This sounds so delicious! I craved spicy foods all through my last pregnancy and I still can't get enough of them (over one year out). This sounds really tasty.

Jana June 7, 2011 at 9:23 AM  

Looks delightful! Thanks for linking up!

annies home June 7, 2011 at 10:38 AM  

like a bit of spice in my soup your recipe sounds awesome come see what I shared at

Anonymous June 7, 2011 at 2:16 PM  

Hi! I found your site through the Tuesday Time-Out Hop. Please come follow me back at:

Thanks and have a great Tuesday!

Angela June 7, 2011 at 9:26 PM  

i'm making this one!!!

thanks for sharing.


Patrice June 8, 2011 at 6:39 AM  

Yum! I will love this and so will my husband! I can't wait to make it!

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