Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stencil Project Favorites!

One of the first things I started to admire in peoples homes when I started blogging and reading other creative blogs were stencils. It's amazing how stenciling an entire wall or a home accent can immediately change and personalize a space. The first stencil I ever attempted to use in my home got me hooked...
{Hourglass Stencil form Cutting Edge Stencils}

But I think my all-time favorite so far is still the one I have proudly hanging on my dining room wall, The Bon Appetit Stencil!
I love the idea that you can put a stencil on anything and it not be stationary. It's amazing how it can transform a cheap piece of wood, and can be versatile enough to move around. We've had this stencil in two different rooms in the house and in 5 different locations all together. I love it! Now it's hanging sideways on the dining room wall. The options are unlimited!!

Want a chance to win a stencil of your own? 
CLICK HERE to enter!!

1 comment:

  1. That stenciled wall is gorgeous! And the Bon Apetit wall hanging.... Love IT! I am SO ready for us to get into a house next year so I can go paint crazy! My husband is going to be so aggravated with me by the time we get this all done! (He'll live)
