Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nice to Meet You

Hi. I am Tiffany from Happy Day. I am so excited to be a part of Lemon Tree Creations.

Meet my family...

One amazingly supportive husband who doesn't care when the house is dirty or when we have frozen pizza for dinner as long as I have a smile on my face.

Two munchkins who I am blessed to be home with every day and a third one due to arrive sometime late July/early August.

I take full advantage of nap time each day. I create like a crazy woman every spare second I have because it is what I love to do. I come from a long line of creative women, quilters, seamstresses, crochet queens, painters, photographers, etc. So, I come by it honestly, it just took me awhile to catch on...

I got my first sewing machine in November and have started to learn a thing or two. I have focused mainly on pillows so far, but am beginning to expand my horizons with the help of my super seamstress Mom.

Here are a few of my favorite projects that I can't wait to share with you over the next few weeks...

{the Birdie Nest toy/decoration}

{Modified Girls Birdie Top}

{the Number Jars (Pottery Barn knock-off)}

Thanks for checking out Lemon Tree Creations. I will be here every Tuesday and would love to hear from you! In the meantime, happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you Tiffany! Congrats to everyone involved. When I get home tonight I'm joining Google Friends so I can be a follower!

    Love you sis. :o)
