Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"The Blues"

Due to some recent, unexpected pregnancy circumstances I have had the 'luxury' of laying around the house for the past few weeks. In this time, I have realized a few things.

1) It is nearly impossible to sit still and relax in your own home. When I lay on the couch all I can think is, "look how messy that coat closet is!" or, "wouldn't some bolder drapes look better there?" or, "wow, I really should mop!." Does this mean I have a problem?

2) I will NEVER be done decorating and re-decorating my house. Is it impossible to be satisfied, or do my interests just change that quickly? Hmm...

3) I do not like to be alone. The more time I spend alone, the more my mind wanders to things like, "wouldn't some bolder drapes look better there?" Clearly not a healthy thought for me, given my pension for spending way to much on 'bargain' drapes that end up being replaced next month.

4) My house has "the blues." That's right. We are almost entirely blue, floor to ceiling, side to side, front to back. I believe whole heartily that blues are extremely soothing, but there is the potential that I have gone overboard....

Would you care to be the judge?



Even the kitchen and bathroom have caught the fever!

Any suggestions?? I read a post recently by the Censational Girl that inspired me to change things up just a little bit. It was a Q&A with Emily Henderson, last years HGTV Design Star. (You can check out this great post here!) Anyway, it got me thinking that I need some warmth in our space.

What, in your opinion, is the easiest way to 'warm up' a space without doing a complete overhaul?? I need something quick and easy, and most easily accomplished from the couch :). Any ideas?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. your home is sooo pretty! Keep trying to relax!!! Pickup a craft you can do with just your hands (crochet, embroidery, etc)

    Can't wait to see baby pics!!!

  2. I think your home is beautiful! I don't really think you need to change anything, but know how it is staring at it all day! Maybe a few little things, like pillows and such, can be traded out with a different splash of color? Also, I would love to know what color your kitchen is! I am looking for a blue/grey for our master bath and this looking similar to what I see in my head!

  3. Your home is lovely!! I wouldn't change a thing. On another note...I totally get that feeling. I've wanted to changed the accent wall in my family room like 12 times since I painted in November.

  4. Patrice I adore the blues, your home is so cozy. Keep relaxing and try not to over do it {yeah, right}

  5. I'm not a blue person at all, but I have seriously been in love with your dining room since you first posted it. I love bold walls against white trim and am drooling over your farm table. I love how the color of the wood is the same tone of the walls and looks rustic and contemporary at the same time. We need a new kitchen table and I'm desperately trying to convince my husband that we can work with something old and make it cool.

    Maybe you can bring some warm colors in with your blue or jazz it up with some fun shade of green to make it pop? Tiffany is all about green, I bet she could help you with that. :-)

  6. Pillows, vases, art, flowers, painting picture frames in different colors are a few simple things one can do and change again on a whim. Things even the hubby can help you with.

    Also you could add a stripe of fabric/ribbon to your drapes. You could even use velcro so that you have the option of changing the accent on the drapes whenever you need a change. You can even buy the velcro with the sticky back so you don't need to sew it on.

  7. Blue is my absolute favorite color so I see nothing wrong with how your house looks ;) You have such a variety of shades of blue, I don't think it feels overwhelming. If the walls and the pillows and the furniture and the frames were all the SAME blue, I think you'd have a problem. But they're not, so you don't!

    But...if you want to add some warmth, maybe some new throw pillows? Pretty inexpensive and a quick change...especially if you're already on the couch ;)
