Thursday, June 24, 2010

Oversized Rosette Pillow

Rosettes have been floating around out there for a long while now, and I must say while I think they are completely fabulous, I hadn't really tried my hand at anything similar. I had played around with the shapes using ribbon and what not, but had never settled on a reason for needing them, nor was I completely satisfied with how mine turned out. All of this changed, however, when I decided what I needed for my couch was just one more pillow. I wanted a small pillow that had a lot of character, and I settled on this:

For obvious reasons I have been calling it my GIANT rosette pillow. While the pillow only measures about 10inx10in, the rosette is still close to 10 inches in diameter. With just a little thread, needle, leftover fabric and hot glue (of course!) it was very simple to create.

First I hand stitched a pillow 10in x 1oin and filled it with cheap Walmart stuffing, ($3.00). The thing I like about this pillow that it is made from upholstery grade fabric left over from a rocker I upholstered. Just being slightly thicker than other fabrics I have used in the past, it give the rosette some added depth I think.

Next, I cut my remaining fabric into 2 inch strips. The rosette took SEVERAL of these to complete.

With the strips cut, I began the rosette by kind of rolling the outsides of the fabric together to create a sort of fabric tube. This made the 'petals' a little more voluminous.

Next, I just began rolling the fabric inward, twisting it as I went. You have probably seen a lot of tutorials on how to best achieve this. I cannot say that I really used any one technique, but more just went with the flow. This is where, for me, the hot glue came it. I do not proclaim to be a seamstress. Hand stitching a pillow is about as good as it gets. Therefore, I was left with other adhesive options for securing my rosette, and turned to hot glue. I do not have a picture of the places where I put hot glue. I can just say its easiest to to dab a bit, around the bottom of the rosette petals, about every inch or so. As the rosette gets bigger, it works best to apply the hot glue in thin strips around the bottom of the fabric.

When the rosette became to large to hold, I then attached it to the pillow (using hot glue, I know I am a cheater!). I secured it to the pillow with hot glue in many places, pulling at the rosette as I went to test for stability.

Below is a picture of the where I got my fabric inspiration. While the colors in this great fabric matching NOTHING else in my living room, the play off of each other from across the room. Now the fabric choice seems to make a little more sense. (And trust me, they are not staying together, that matchiness would probably just eat me alive!)

I can't wait to share with you how I rescued this antique rocker, along with some other upholstery ideas in the next few weeks.

Hope you enjoyed my 'late on the scene' version of the rosette!

I will be linking to this week's CSI pillow challenge! Hope to see you there...



  1. LOVE your giant rosette pillow! Just gorgeous! I definitely want to make one of those! Wow.

  2. This is just beautiful! I love the fabric that you used.

  3. How pretty! That fabric is perfect for your pillow :0)

  4. i haven't tried them yet either really. or at least i don't think i'm so good at them. i can;t wait to try! that's awesome.

  5. That is one huge rosettte, it looks awesome!! Lol about the matchiness eating you alive. Can't wait to see the rocker, it looks like a great compliment!

  6. Love it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Lovely! Such a great accent for your room.

  8. I love rossette pillows! This one is great!!

  9. What a great statement piece! Great tutorial! Can't wait to try one myself!

  10. oh how I heart your pillows Patrice!! It looks fantastic! Can't wait to see your face!

  11. I just rescued a really old looking rocking chair from the trash and was wondering if you could give me some hints on if it is fixable of not. Love all your stuff, ALWAYS.

  12. It is beautiful, your right it is quite a statement!


  13. Hey, I think that looks GREAT!! I tried my hand at a few fabric flowers recently. I hand stitched some and hot glued some, too. I think they turn out wonderfully either way.

    Found you over at The Shabby Chic Cottage and glad I did! It's very nice to "meet" you : ). I'm a new follower!
    Have a great weekend!


  14. Oh my, isn't that lovely! Love anything with roses! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. I'm a sucker for pillows - great fabric and an awesome rosette!

  16. I like it, I really like it!!!
    It's great for women who don't want to sew but are great with a glue gun!

  17. Okay -- I MUST have one of these! Truly adorable. Thanks for the tutorial!!

  18. Truly stylish and unique! That pillow looks great.

  19. So Fabulous! This pillow is adorable.
    Hugs, Sherry

  20. Gorgeous! And I think "dispersing" the fabric pattern around the room is a great idea.

  21. Love it!! It's fancy and funny all at once. :)

  22. Happy Friday! I am stopping by via the linky party.

    Your pillow looks utterly charming!

  23. Happy Friday! I am stopping by via the linky party.

    Your pillow looks utterly charming!

  24. Happy Friday! I am stopping by via the linky party.

    Your pillow looks utterly charming!

  25. So beautiful! You have been featured on Made it or Bought it! :)

  26. Visiting from the Under the Table and Dreaming Link Party -- and I love this idea. I think it would be especially nice on a bed (you know, a bed of flowers, yuk, yuk).

    Thanks for the nice tutorial and photos.
    Jude at
    dolcecapecod dot

  27. Really pretty! I have been wanting one like this from Pier 1...but it is too pricey. I should just whip up one myself!

  28. Really a cute pillow, it turned out great-enjoy!

  29. Really pretty! I wouldn't have thought of using that vintage floral print to make a rosette, but it looks great!

  30. Using a glue gun doesn't make you a cheater... it makes you good at time management! This is a wonderful project, thanks for sharing it.

  31. Lovin' your pillow....I have been DYING to try my hand at rosette making. Thanks for sharing!

  32. I love this! I'll be featuring it on my blog at the end of July (a ways off I know!) I'll give credit and link back to you!


  33. Another fun project from you all this week...thanks for showing it to us on Modern Craftswoman Monday! Rory

  34. i LOVE this!! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  35. That looks great! And you hand sewed it! Wow! Great job!

  36. Can't get enough of rosettes and I LOVE your pillow! Great tutorial!

  37. Nice job. I did a sewn version of a giant rosette but never thought to do a fabric glue version. It looks great.

  38. Fabulous fabric and fabulous rosette pillow ~ just gorgeous!

  39. Love that pillow. You make seem pretty easy. I wanted to try a few fabris rosettes but figured I couldn't, I don't sew. BUt I think I may give it a whirl now-Thanks! I found you at Someday Crafts,link partyTake care-Marjorie

  40. I love this pillow. I can't wait to make a few of these pillows for my bedroom!

  41. ADORABLE! I will be linking to your wonderful pillow. Thanks for sharing.

  42. I love this flower....This is a beutiful pillow.

  43. So pretty! I love your choice of fabric!

    Thanks for sharing at My Backyard Eden!

  44. Love it! I am going to make some and attach them to my cutains.
