Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Finds {Pinterest-My Style}

Tomorrow begins my favorite month of the year!

My Pinterest finds this month will lead up to Halloween each week with a different theme.

Lets start off with what I find to be the best part of decorating this time of year {almost as much as cookies} the good ole....

It amazes me when I see all the different variations that people use. Typically carving was the only option and I was finding myself borrowing templates from Martha. Now with Pinterest, I've discovered such wonderful ideas on the mixer {as I like to call it}.

The Pumpkin {Mixer}

A few of my {personal} favorites.

                    {e pumpkin via}                                         {apothecary pumpkins via}

{LTC Tutorials!}
Aren't these great? Potato stamping on the left and a simple sharpie on the right...genius!

I can't wait to start pulling out my own ideas and using some of the great ones from my boards that I have logged. {Oh the simplicity of Pinterest..I don't have to think of what I want to make...I just look at my boards}

Hope you'll follow me here.
Leave me a comment on how you love to decorate your pumpkins! I'd love some new inspiration!

Happy Friday and Happy October! {well almost;)



  1. I love the white pumpkins with ribbon on them!

    I also wanted to point out that you've spelled Pinterest incorrectly...

  2. Yikes! Thanks for letting me know! TBonesMom...I appreciate it! Trying to fix it now!

  3. can anyone send me an invite to pintrest????
    Im sooooo missing out!
    I cant get one...not sure why.
