Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Finds {Pinterest-My Style}

"That's a neat idea.."
"I like that one.."
"Me too!"

"I digg that one."
"I'll tweet that."
"Hmm.. where did I find that website?"
"Gosh..I wish I knew..."

These are all comments that many of us have had made a million times. Now, thanks to the wonderful world of PINTEREST we are all having {endless-gasps} of pinning our finds and sharing our ideas while we log everything!

I'm ecstatic to share with you today a couple of the TASTEMAKERS of Pinterest and I look forward to our Friday Finds as we peruse pinterest.

Sherry from Young House Love has been a favorite of mine for quite sometime; you can check her boards out here.
Some of her fabulous pinning inspirations are what inspires her DIY Board:

The next Tastemaker: Ben Silbermann is a pure pinn-ing genius as well as the Co-founder of Pinterest. He grabs me by the mouse and my heart goes click click click { or is it repin, repin, repin} when I login to his boards? I adore his board Gifts for Girl Friends.

You simply must check him out! Won't you? To do so, simply click here.

Pinning is my new found love and I can't wait to log in daily..I must admit I lie awake at night pinning and repinning.

Check out my personal obsessions here and I'm anxious to start following you as well.
Have a great weekend!



  1. Pinterest has seriously taken over my life! It's like crack!

  2. Someone please tell me how in the world you pronouce the name of this site! My mother and I keep going back and forth as to how you say it. Is it Pin- Trest, Pin-Ter-Est.... What in the heck! I love it regardless, but I would like to know how everyone else pronounces it.

  3. Samantha! LOL I am saying Pin-trest, but by no means am I the pronunciation queen..but your comment cracked me up!
