Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cutting Edge Stencil Giveaway

Now here is another chance for you to win a Cutting Edge Stencil of your choice!

You know that I am in love with their new Polka-Dot Stencil, of course.  

But they offer a ton of other great options like these...

To enter all you have to do is:

1.) Visit Cutting Edge Stencils and then leave a comment letting us know what your very favorite stencil is and where you want to use it. will choose a comment and the winner will be announced on Saturday!

Thanks for participating in the giveaway and good luck!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Moroccan Dream Stencil! For the master bedroom.

  2. I love the Ikat Samarkand stencil!

  3. The Casablanca Allover is the one for me;)

  4. I love the Zagora All Over - I'd use it in my bedroom :)

  5. I love the polka dot for my little girls room..

    Kmorphy at yahoo com

  6. I LOVE the Vintage Paisley for my daughter's room! But I have been looking for a big enough stencil for my RED dining room wall. I want to paint a big black square and inside paint an "S". Then, fill in the rest of the box with a pattern of turquoise, yellow, green, purple, and orange! I am thinking either Verde, Anastasia, or Harmony! :)

  7. I love the The Harlequin Trellis Stencil, but since my sister is having a little girl I would get her the butterfly stencil instead. :)

  8. Moroccan Dream - Living room and Jelly cabinet

  9. Ooh - probably the large funky wheels! I love that design! I could easily pick about five more though...

    I love this idea! I like the look of some wallpapers but after taking it down, you'll never want to put it up. Ever. We have many, many walls yet to be un-papered but I would LOVE to see these wheels in my kitchen and the room next to the kitchen (it's a playroom, mudroom, breakfast table...unnamed room).

  10. I love the Shipibo Allover Stencil. It is so fun an modern and would work great in my dining room. Which is now totally boring. Thanks

  11. My favorite at the moment is the Rabat Allover LG Scale, and I would love to use it in my master closet.

  12. I love Aspel All over...Id use it to give some life to our entry way!

  13. Right now I love TONS of the stencils! But I think the Poppy Fields one would look great in our future baby's nursery!! :) I am going to do an Alice in Wonderland theme, but with a modern twist.

  14. I really like the RABAT ALLOVER LG SCALE, but with our uneven, plaster walls, I'm worried it might look a little weird, would totally be worth a try though!

  15. Hour Glass all over stencil would be nice... maybe for a backsplash in my kitchen or a feature wall in my bedroom.

  16. I have always admired the birds on a branch wall stencil, but I was all drawn to the acacia stencil this time. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  17. I have been wanting the Poppy Field Flower stencil for a long time now. I have the perfect spot in my living room for it. (Guess I may just have to break down and buy it if I don't win.)

  18. I love the wild berry damask and I would use it in the master bedroom. :)

  19. I'd love the Casablanca stencil for my master bathroom!

  20. I would love to have the Anna all over for the bak of my book cases in my Great room!

  21. I LOVE the Zagora would be perfect for my bathroom!

  22. Sakura and Birds Wall would just right in my bedroom!

  23. I seriously keep trying to win a stencil and so such luck! :( There are so many I like but I narrowed it down to Wild Berry Damask and I would either stencil my dining room or bathroom.

  24. I love the Aspen stencil and I would love to use it in my bathroom. :)

  25. Hmm! I think I'd do the fish scales one with very minimal color differences between the two colors. Thanks!

  26. I love the fish scale stencil! Look good in our new bedroom.

  27. Love all of them...I think the Vision stencil is my current favorite!


  28. This giveaway couldn't have come at a better time. I've been looking at the Polka Dot Allover (small) stencil for days and debating about purchasing it for our babies nursery. I would love to win this stencil. It would make the closet so much more fun!

  29. Large Tree & Birds Stencils for my hall please !! gorgeus! have a lovely day

  30. the poppy field is beautiful. I would use it in my laundry/mud room. Hope I win!

  31. I LOVE the Harmony Damask stencil...I'd love to use it in my living room!

  32. zamira allover would be awesome for my dining room turned music room. :)

  33. I LOVE the Rabat Allover...I'd use it to add some character to my hall bath!

  34. OH the Moroccan Dream would be great for the accent wall on the master bedroom!

  35. I love the harlequin one you featured--great for my pantry!

  36. Their new Fuji Stencil is wonderful. We're going to be building a new home soon, and there are so many possibilities!

  37. I like the harlequin trellis stencil and where I'd use it is still up for debate.

  38. I would love to use the Rabat Allover SM scale in our new guest bathroom-it has candy apple red walls, and I think using this stencil would brighten up the small(ish) room a bit.


  39. I love the birch tree and virginia creeper allover stencils. I would use the birch tree stencil in my daughter's room and the virginia creeper one in my dining room.

  40. I love the polka dot stencil as well, I am decorating our guest room- Adult Polka Dot Style

  41. I love the Kobe allover stencil!

  42. Love the Harlequin Trellis Stencil, it's so classic!

  43. I've been enjoying doing a lot of scroll work on my cards and therefore, I've found myself quite taken with the Lilly Scroll Stencil. There are several places where I'd like to use this but the main place is the whole wall behind our bed. It would help create a feel for our room that is much needed and would be very appreciative!

  44. I love all of them, but right now I want the Birch Forest Allover Stencil for my small downstairs half-bath. I want to add a small chandelier for a touch of elegance.

  45. I mean appreciated! oops I haven't had much coffee as of yet this morning.

  46. I am in love with the Harlequin Trellis Stencil My upstairs hallway has NEVER been painted (can you say 10 years of construction primer?) and I would LOVE to do this in the hallway.

  47. I love the birch trees stencil.

  48. Kagami Allover is my favorite! Huge fan of Cutting Edge Stencils. Thanks for the giveaway and LOVE your website!

  49. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I don't know how I'd ever decide...but I'm majorly leaning toward the Going To Seed stencil or the Kerry Damask SM scale stencil. LOVE them both.

  50. There are so many so choose from that it's hard to pick just one favorite! I think I would go with the Fossil stencils and put them in my sons room. He's obsessed with Dinosaurs and I think he would LOVE these on his walls!

  51. I think I love the large houndstooth :)

  52. I really LOVE Ikat Samarkand! I would so put this in my master bedroom!

  53. I love the zinnia stencil! But I like so many it's hard to choose.

  54. I really am excited about this!! I would probably get one of the tree ones for our nursery!! :)

    Jami @

  55. I love love love the Allium Gladiator Flower Stencil. I think I would use it in my bedroom:)

  56. I would use the Rabat Allover SM scale on one wall in our dining room!


    I would use this moroccan print as an accent wall in my bedroom! I just painted my walls and I am afraid the blue came out a little brighter than expected, but painting this with some white would be the perfect way to jazz up my wall AND lighten the color a bit!

  58. I love the Katie Brocade stencil. I am planning to use it the weekend on some projects.

  59. The Harlequin Trellis Stencil is fabulous!!!! Love it!

  60. I love the small scale Kagami Allover Stencil. I have an old cabinet that I painted orange when I was younger that looks awful and I want to re-do it for my new home. I think this would be perfect for the sides.

  61. I love the Zinnia Grande Stencil. I have been eye balling that one for a long time!!! THanks for the fun giveaway :)

  62. I love the Casblanca allover stencil. I would use it on the backings of my bookshelves to add a pop of color and an interesting design to an otherwise boring place.

  63. We are getting ready to re-do my daughters bedroom, and I'd love to use the larger polka dot all over in her room!

  64. I like so MANY!!!
    but my fav is the Casablanca Allover Stencil, I'd use it in my pantry makeover :)

  65. I lie so many of them! but i have been eyeing the The Harlequin Trellis Stencil for the hall bath redo.

  66. I love the Zinnia Grande Flower Stencil! I totally want to redo my daughter's bedroom now.

  67. I just ordered the Casablanca stencil for one living room wall and above my kitchen counters. I really like the poppy flower and would love to do that on my dining room wall!

  68. I am a daily follower...thanks for this offer!
    I would love to win the FUJI allover stencil to use over our fireplace!

  69. Rabat Allover! Have the paint just waiting for a free stencil :)

  70. many fun ones to choose from!! I love the Zinnia Grande flower one. Thanks for the chance to win!


  71. I love the harlequin trellis stencil. I already have a pretty trellis platter in my living room, so I would love to use the stencil in there!!!

  72. Thanks for the chance to win! I like the Bamboo Allover & the Sakura with Birds. :)

  73. Love the Moroccan Dream Stencil! It is so pretty!

  74. i've always wanted one of these stencils! Love the Fuji Allover. Thanks for the giveaway.

  75. I LOVE the Casablance allover stencil. I have been wanting to stencil one of my rooms forever. Hopefully I get to this summer!


  76. I like 'Zinnia Grande Flower Stencil' ... will be pretty in my girls room

  77. I love the casablanca stencil and I would use it in my dtr's room.

    emilou84037 at yahoo dot com

  78. Wow - I love the all over 'aspen' stencil. Gorgeous!

  79. I love the polka dot all over large scale stencil! And I would use it in my sweet little boy's room... as soon as my hubby finishes med school and we move into a house where I can paint. :)

  80. Large Houndstooth, or allover Aspen. I would love to win one of these!

  81. i love rabat and i would use it in our bedroom.

  82. I love the fuji allover stencil and I'm not sure where I'd use it-- maybe on a rug or curtians!

  83. Zagora or Rabat and it NEEDS to go in our master bedroom. Maybe it'll inspire me to finish the whole room so it looks less 'dorm' and more 'oasis.'

  84. i love the harlequin! i would use it in my office!

  85. I love the polka-dot! We're expecting and it would look so sweet in the nursery. :)

  86. I would love the Fuji Allover Stencil!

  87. I would love to win the polka dot stencil.

    love it!
    rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

  89. The trellis is my favorite - so pretty.

  90. Wow!! I had the hardest time picking there are honestly so many designs I love.... I can imagine stencils throughout my entire house!! However I did especially like "Freedom" with the birds flying out of their cage! I'm going to have to go back to the site and look around some more... how fantastic!!

  91. so creative~ I love the polka dot, harlequin and the fleur de lys. For my son's bedroom closet. thank you

  92. Birds on a Branch Wall Art Stencil would go perfect in my little girls room!!! She's has the bird theme.... so that stencil would be the perfect touch!

  93. I love different ones for different parts of my house. The trellis would look pretty in my front room, though almost any of the flowers would brighten up my daughter's room.

  94. Oh please pick me! I have wanted a cutting edge damask stencil forever! I want to paint my art/craft room!

  95. I definitely need the Poppy Field Stencil! My kitchen is painted California Poppy Orange and I would use the leftover paint to stencil the cute poppies in my laundry room. Also love the ceiling medallian stencils.

  96. Love the Zinnia Flower stencil. We have a basement just begging to be stenciled!

  97. Love, love, love the Rabat Allover SM scale for some drama in my dining room!

  98. I love the Zinnia Grande Flower Stencil and would use it in my bathroom. We are re-doing our bathroom and my new shower curtain has flowers very similar to these. Would love to stencil above the chair rail. Hope I win, my budget is busted........

  99. I so want the The Harlequin Trellis Stencil for my powder room!

  100. I love the IKAT BUKHARA ALLOVER STENCIL! It would look great on the predominant wall of my craft room!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

  101. There are so many great ones that I like. I think I would use the Casablanca on an accent wall in my living room and on furniture that I want to refinish.

  102. I really love the Shipibo all over stencil! This would look awesome in my family room...

    joellenzafacon at gmail dot com

  103. My winner and STILL fave is the hourglass allover stencil. Love it!

    giddingslane at gmail dot com

  104. I love the zinna flower stencil, casablanca, desmask....ok, I pretty much love them all!

  105. I think I like harliquin trellis and polka dot. Depends on if it is for my girls room or the bathroom????

  106. Really like the Moroccan Dream, Nadya Damask, and Going to Seed. I'm in a temporary rental right now, so I can't say for sure where I would put them, but the first two would look great as accent walls. The third I would put in the kitchen or hallway.

  107. I love the Damask stencils!! Like the Verde stencil!!

  108. I LOVE Gabi's Brocade! My sister was telling me about these the other day!

  109. rose damask PUHLEASE!!!!!! LOVE cutting edge!

  110. I like Large tree and birds but am planning to purchase Butterfly Dance. Our family lost a child. A girl. We donated her organs. They helped three different babies. The symbol for organ donation is the butterfly. Therefore, I'm planning to add the Butterfly Dance to my girls (3) big bedroom to keep Baby A's memory alive. I'm planning to do monochromatic purples (to match the lilac walls).

  111. The Versailles Grand Panel stencil is gorgeous! We are moving soon and I am sure there will be a wall or two in need of one of these :-)

  112. I love your blog and I love cutting edge stencils. I would love the Rio all over stencil. I just bought a new house, and I am ready to decorate!

  113. I love all of their stencils, perhaps I would choose right now the CORDOBA STENCIL for over my doorway!

  114. I am liking the Spring Songbirds Wall Stencil. It is beautiful, and I think it could look great in any room, in any colour.

  115. I want the morrocan dream stencil! I desperately need to add some color to our boring beige bedroom.

  116. I like the damask all over stencil. I want to try to stencil my dining room table.

  117. I love the Nagoya LG scale Allover Stencil. I would love to use this on a dresser.

    cereza25 at yahoo dot com

  118. I like the Virginia Creeper Wall Art stencil. I would use it in my bathroom and my kitchen.

  119. I love the designer vine stencil. I live in an apartment and can't paint my walls so I would use this on a large canvas or two.

  120. Cant pick, I have 3 favorites.
    The pebbles allover stencil, the Vision allover stencil and the Zinnia Grande Flower stencil. I would use these for so many things!

  121. I love their morrocan and damask stencils. I think I need to stop drooling over them, and just take the plunge!

  122. I love the Rabat Allover stencil and i would use it in my bedroom.

  123. Love the chandelier stencil to do a suprise makeover on my daughters room!

  124. I love so many of them! The Harlequin Trellis Stencil would be perfect for a project that I am currently working on, painting my concrete porch floor!

  125. OooooH!!! Please Please Please pick me! I have wanted the Fuji Allover Stencil for SO long and want to use it in my office! Just finishing a few rooms in my new house and have been waiting for this to finish it all off! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Thank you SO much!
    Mandy Douglass
