Friday, May 6, 2011

Ribbon Wreath

This Ribbon Wreath is simple enough to make when you have just 5-10 minutes to spare and a hot glue gun raring to go!

I made it quite sometime ago, so I apologize for the lack of photographs. But considering it's simplistic instructions, you will be just fine with only a few steps.

  1. styrofoam wreath ring
  2. ribbon (2 rolls [3 yds each])
  3. hot glue gun
All you need to do is wrap your ribbon around your wreath and hot glue in various spots pulling in tight.

For the {fun} decoration I used one of my broaches I often wear on one of my many cardigans!

Viola! A fun, funky addition for the front door and I can always change the broach!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Friday!


  1. that looks waaaay easier and just as cute as the yarn covered ones i've been seeing. i'm all about simplicity!
    super cute.

  2. Cute and easy! And can be changed just by the adornment added! Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is super cute!

    (And, on a separate note, thank you for typing voila correctly!)
