Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's For Dinner? - Meatloaf

I have so many favorite recipes that I decided they should be shared with our fabulous readers.  So about once a month until I run out of good ones, I am going to do a series on "What's for Dinner (or breakfast or lunch)?" and I would love to hear about it if you give one a try!

First up is meatloaf.  My sister gave me this meatloaf recipe awhile back after I ate it at her house and loved it!  Don't let the word meatloaf fool you, it is amazing, trust me.  My Avery has already requested it for her birthday dinner later this month.  She says this is her favorite food.  She always wants seconds, and sometimes even thirds when I make this meal.  Sometimes, we have to actually cut her off.  I don't know if it is the sweet taste of the preserves or what but she LOVES something about it.  Any meal that makes my 4 year old clean her plate is worthy of sharing with our readers.

tantalizingly tangy meatloaf & roasted new potatoes

Tantalizingly Tangy Meatloaf
1 lb. ground beef (optional - 1/2 lb. pork, 1/2 lb. beef)
1/2 cup dry bread crumbs
1 egg
garlic powder to taste
1 dash worcestershire sauce
1/3 cup ketchup
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup peach &/or pineapple preserves (I use peach because I can never find pineapple)

***Preheat oven to 350*.  In a large bowl, combine the beef, bread crumbs, egg, garlic powder, & worcestershire sauce.  Mix well & place in a loaf pan.  Bake for 30-50 minutes.

***Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, stir together the ketchup, brown sugar, & preserves.  Pour over meatloaf about 20 minutes before removing from oven.

So, go try this recipe and let me know what you think!  
Satisfaction guaranteed!

I'll be sharing this recipe at these parties!  

Happy Tuesday!


  1. The fact you have to "cut her off" is hysterical! And I love me some meatloaf...

  2. Looks delish! I'd love it if you linked up this recipe for my Tuesday Time Out. Today's the first day I'm doing it!



  3. I love my MIL's meatloaf recipe and use it A LOT! I even made meatloaf for another family this evening. It killed me smelling it but not eating it so we are having meatloaf Thursday. Mmmh, can't wait!

  4. I love preserves in meatloaf. My husband and I use apricot preserves and even put in finely chopped dried apricots. It's almost like dessert for dinner. Our recipe is shared here:

  5. Woops. I am not sure that link showed up. Check out our Apricot Meatloaf at http://newlydependent.com/recipes/?p=44.

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I've made this recipe several times and it is by far my favorite mealoaf! Even my husband who hates meatloaf like this meal. I blogged about it here:

    Have a great day!
