Thursday, March 31, 2011

Easter Egg Ideas

Tiffany shared the cutest and easiest way ever to display your eggs, which inspired me to jump on the bandwagon and write a little about eggs today. I'm trying to usher in the spring weather anyway around here!
I am not sure if there is anyone left out there who hasn't heard all of the many wonderful reasons why your should preserve your Easter eggs, but just in case I am here today to convince you! We have been "emptying" or "blowing out our eggs for years." Here is a great tutorial for how to do this. Hollowing out your eggs only takes an extra minute per egg, and lasts a lifetime! I think I have mentioned before that both my mother and I are big on holiday traditions. I know I inherited this from her. We hollow out our eggs every year and save the ones we decorate. She keeps them in her basement in a large plastic storage bin, and each year we find creative ways to display them all over the house. What a wonderful way to keep memories from year to year! We have eggs from my 16th birthday, the year I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, my daughter's first Easter, etc. We get to look back at them each year and remember. It is one of my favorite times of year!

Here are a couple of pictures showing you how I display my hollowed eggs.

This is in no way a tutorial on how to decorate cute eggs. Tiffany's gorgeous eggs put mine to shame! I think I have to look up some new methods for decorating and show you what I find in the next couple of weeks! I just hope that if you haven't hollowed your eggs before, you try it at least once this year! It's my FAVORITE way to keep Easter memories around this house, and something I will do for a lifetime!

Happy Thursday!


  1. All of those ideas are so cute and creative! Love it!

  2. This is great inspiration for me. We hollowed out the eggs when I was little but I have not been doing it since I have been married. Now I need to start doing it and saving them for memories with the kids! Thanks!

    Also, thanks for your sweet comments but I think your eggs and ideas for displaying them are awesome! I especially love the hanging egg. So cute.

  3. What a great idea Patrice. I need to actually start keeping mine as well. What a great tradition!

  4. I never thought of saving the decorated hollowed out eggs. Thanks for the idea, Patrice. It would be very cool to have the eggs from the special moments of life like you mentioned.
