Friday, March 12, 2010

Clipboard Coverings

Hi friends! I’m Jessica. (aka, daughter, middle child, teacher, girlfriend, dog lover, Martha Stewart wanna be) I will be visiting you every other Friday to bring you a creative snack. I love creating new things and making old things a little cuter. Be sure to check back to see what I’ve cooked up. Thanks for stopping by.

As a teacher clipboards have become part of my right hand. With so much paper work, clipboards are a great way to stay organized. So why not be cute during your day job?

MATERIALS: clipboard, scissors, Mod Podge, sand paper, screwdriver, roller, sponge brush, various paper choices

The first thing you want to do is detach the clip from board and cut the paper product of choice to the size of the clipboard.

I am an avid reader of Skirt Magazine, so I chose to use a page from the latest issue to use as my clipboard covering. You on the other hand could use any paper choice of your liking (wrapping paper, brown bag, newspaper, scrapbook paper…you get the idea).

Next, spread an even layer of Mod Podge on the clipboard, immediately apply your paper selection and smooth out any wrinkles with a roller (which you can get from your local craft store).

Once the paper is smooth, apply a generous layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper. (allow 15-20 minutes of drying time).

After the board is dry, trim any edges with an exact-o knife and sand corners in a downward motion to create a smooth finish.

Finally reattach the clip and start putting your clipboard to work, with a new and improved look that is personal to you.

This week I will be linking up to these parties, come and see what great things are out there!


  1. I love these! Perfect! Now I just need a cute personalized one for my classroom... hmmmmm..

  2. These are awesome! I love the papers you chose to use! Perfect. I need to make one of these. Thanks!

  3. Cute!! I think stay at home moms need clipboards too, hmmm...

  4. Wow very cool. Just love all the possibilities here.

  5. Hey Jess, I love it, I need to make a couple of these, one for me one for my foster daughter, it will be a good craft project for us one rainy Saturday. TFS!!!
    Betty Boop

  6. Holy cow, that is the cutest idea! I am pumped...I will totally be making several of these even if I don't need them! Sweet. Thanks!!

  7. p.s. That page from Skirt is so perfect...I want it...

  8. p.s. That page from Skirt is so perfect...I want it...

  9. These would make great gifts for my kids teachers at the end of the year!

  10. What a cute blog you have. :) Becoming a follower...... Have a great day!! :)

  11. I LOVE this idea and the paper you used was totally awesome! Thanks for the great post!


  12. How fun! Off to rack my brain to figure out who I know could use a clipboard haha.

  13. This is the best thing I have seen in a long time! Great idea Jessica! I will be back to see more!!!!!

  14. You have a fabulous blog! I am your new follower!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. This looks so much easier to do when you can remove the clip part! I did mini ones that had a different clip that I couldn't remove ~ a pain to cut around. Love the paper selections you did!

  16. Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments!

  17. I also did some mini ones and the poster before me is right, you couldn't remove the metal piece so you had to cut around them. What a pain!

    Your's is great!

  18. Visiting from the Girl all are amazingly crafty and I am having a ball looking around your blog and all your great ideas...can't wait to see more!

  19. So cute! I'd never want to use them for paper as they look so nice just as art!

    I've put you up on the SNS sidebar for the weekend. :)

    Thanks for linking up!
    FJ Donna

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  21. I saw a similar project in Creating Keepsakes magazine recently, but this is a whole other way to do it and I love this idea too! I happen to have Mod Podge so this would be super easy and quick for me to do. Yay! :)

    I just discovered your blog today and I love it. Your projects and tutorials are great! You have a new fan.

  22. terrific project!... so glad that I stumbled in! I am visiting by way of New Friend Friday at TGC. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week! until later...

  23. These are adorable!!! What a great site you have here!

  24. How did you reattach the metal clip part back to the board part? This is the part that always hangs me up.

  25. Joan@anythinggoeshere: All you have to do is reattach using a Phillips screwdriver. Look for this type of clipboard if you consider doing this project (it will make the process much easier) Hope this helps! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Great idea! Love it.
    I just found you through Funky Junk's SNS party.
    Love your blog, you have a new follower!

  27. Great idea!! I have looked for clipboards in several stores. I have not find one that has screws. They all have a permanent looking rivet type thing attaching them to the board. Is there an online source you know of?
    Thank you for the tutorial!

  28. Treacy,
    Hi, I actually bought mine at Micheal's Craft Store. Good luck on your search.

    Lemon Tree Creations

  29. Do you think modge podge would work for plastic clipboards as well? To adhere the paper properly?

  30. Wow, beautiful. I agree clipboards are a must for the teaching profession.

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  32. Found this blog hopping while cooking dinner. LOVE these clipboards. I was just in Goodwill today and they had an entire box full. I will now have to go back and try to snatch them. Good idea, thanks.
