Thursday, March 18, 2010

Book Page Flower Wreath

Trust me, I am certainly aware of the overwhelming fame book page wreaths had last fall. Quickly after I saw the first tutorial on one I ran out and got all of the materials I would need to make it! I have a couple of versions going on throughout my house, but have tried to change things up a bit to reflect the personality of our family. One I wanted to show you today, that is by far my favorite and the easiest, is the paper flower wreath.

The book page flower is quite easy to make. I first stumbled across how great and versatile it was while trying to come up with something to put on my front door wreath. I messed around with some leftover materials until I came up with this:

I loved how the paper flowers turned out and have used them to make a few different complete flower wreaths. Here is a look at the most recent one I made for my daughter's nursery.

1) I trimmed book pages in a scalloped fashion as seen below. ( I painted the edges for this wreath to make it more colorful since it was for a children's room.)

2) Then I folded the scalloped edges in half twice and put a small dot of hot glue in the last fold. This is all the glue you need for each petal to hold them together.

2) Before adding petals to the foam wreath I chose, I completely cover it with book pages. Then, I created each flower one petal at a time. I used only 4 large petals for each flower.

3) Next, I added the flowers first in a straight path around the wreath, at the highest point when it was facing me. Only at the end did I go back and fill in the inside and outside gaps. For this particular wreath I mixed a children's book with dictionary index pages. This gave it a bit more color and character.

4) Once the gaps were filled in, I added a few personal touches. I added my daughter's name, Laurelei, in small painted wooden letters I bought at a craft store for $0.39, along with a brown ribbon for hanging on which I attached a big floppy bow.

(I simply used hot glue to attach both ribbon elements to the wreath wherever I wanted them.)

And that's it. It was a pretty simple process. It cost about $10.00 all together. It is MUCH less time intensive than the first few book wreaths I made because the petals take up so much space. The only real element of time for me was deciding where to hang it! (If you have noticed a pattern in my past few posts, it is that I have serious commitment issues when it comes to putting nails in the wall. We have a few too many that I know my husband is slightly less than pleased about...)

Despite all of the trial and errors, I think I have found the perfect place in the nursery to hang our newest paper creation...

Thanks again for stopping by. Check out these link parties we'll be connecting with and see what I am sure to be some fabulous ideas! And don't week my contribution will not be book related, I promise!


  1. I just came across your blog and it is fabulous. I love this book wreath. Cant wait to see more great stuff:)

  2. That wreath is beautiful! It makes me happy and I need to make one.

  3. Super cute!

    And you should think about using those command hooks. That way if you are satisfied with a location you can just pull it off and no nail hole! :)

  4. What a cute twist on the book wreaths - and I LOVE the idea of using colored pages from children's books for kids' rooms. Super cute!

  5. I love the twist of using the flowers! And even just singularly they still make a great touch!

  6. I love the twist of using the flowers! And even just singularly they still make a great touch!

  7. LOVE this, Patrice! Beautiful job! Love the mix of dictionary pages and childrens book pages. So fun. I love where you chose to hang it too! Very cute.

  8. What a cute idea. I am thinking that I might try this but wash the pages in a color so you still see the print. I followed your link from the Shabby Chic Cottage.

  9. I love it! I think it is soooo cute~! =-D

  10. Oh my gosh...this is amazing. What a nifty wreath.

    My show n tell is HERE. I do hope you can find time to stop by and visit me. I'd love your company.

    Have a super weekend.

  11. I LOVE it! I think I love it more than the original! paper flowers are definately one of my FAVORITES, I used to teach scrapbooking classes (the store has since closed) and I often used variations of a paper flower...they are easy, cheap and fun as well as so versatile! I think you've chosen the PERFECT place to hang the wreath too!

  12. What a BEAUTIFUL idea!! what a simple idea too!! I love it in the nursery!!

    Thanks for linking up! Have a GREAT weekend!

  13. This looks so cute Patrice!! Great job, and it looks perfect hanging on that little shelf!

  14. That is a really cute take on the book wreath idea. (Came over from The Shabby Nest)

  15. I love this. It is too cute!! Thanks for sharing at Spring has Sprung at Fun to Craft. Feel free to stop by the party again!

  16. I love the look of the flowers! I've really been loving the idea of decorating with book pages (I just covered an old tray with them) and this wreath looks so easy! I'm bookmarking this to try later. :)

  17. I love that wreath out of paper, gosh so many options with differ.holidays,birthdays, colors..Love it so Cute..I love all of you sharing ideas,(taking turns)..I made a wreath for our Front door not as crafty as you, but now I will give yours a try..Too Cute.
    Karryann (Gracefully Vintage)

  18. That is so cute! Love the look.
    Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.

  19. This is so sweet. They take lots of time don't they?
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  20. What a great idea. My kids just threw a book and ripped it pretty bad, now I can take that negative and make some positivity lovely, thanks for the idea!

  21. That is super cute! I would love for you to join me over at a vision to remember for check me out saturdays

  22. So so so cute! I just might be putting those on everything now. :)

  23. Hi Patrice! Nice to meet you. :) That wreath is just too cute! You did a great Job! :)

  24. That is so cute! I must be behind the times because I have never seen anything like this but I love it!

  25. Thank you for linking, but you do need to have the button or blog posted on your post -- not via another link. Sorry --

  26. Oh, pretty! I really like bookpage crafts. And the one with the B in the middle? Adorable.

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  27. Great idea! I loved that you changed it up a bit!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours Day at My Backyard Eden!

  28. Oh i love it, the flowers are so pretty!
